
不忘(中英)| 在讲闻的开头,对上师及本尊顶礼必不可缺

索达吉堪布 国际佛学网 2023-03-02

不忘Always Remembering

第二章 讲闻正法

Listening To And Teaching The Sublime Dharma



SECTION 7. Behavior before and after a Dharma Teaching


The merit of listening to or teaching the sublime Dharma is incomparable among all the worldly virtuous deeds.


At the start of listening or teaching, it is indispensable to pay homage to one’s guru and deity.


Reciting the homage prayer at the beginning of events like oral exams is also recommended.



As for the necessity of the homage prayer, that is clearly expounded in many commentaries.


For myself, at the beginning of a teaching I like to prostrate to the unsurpassed King of Subduers — the Buddha — to demonstrate that I am a follower of the Buddha and to recollect his kindness.


Since there are many followers of the Buddha, in order to show that I am a lineage disciple of the second Buddha — Orgyan Padmasambhava — I also prostrate to Padmasambhava.


And among the many followers of Padmasambhava, in order to indicate that I am a follower of the omniscient Longchenpa, the great lineage holder of the secret Nyingtig (Heart Essence) tradition, I prostrate to the omniscient guru Longchenpa as well.


Finally, since Longchenpa has many followers, and among them the only Lord of Buddha families — the omniscient Mipham Rinpoché’s realization of mind transmission — entered into my mind and bestowed his essential points of profound instructions into the center of my heart, so to him, my guru Rinpoché, I also make prostrations.


Alternatively, we can also make prostrations in the order of the closely transmitted blessings.


Today the Lord of Buddhism is only the kind guide — Buddha Shākyamuni.


The foremost successor of his secret intention that he prophesied and praised is solely Padmasambhava.


The successor of the most secret Heart Essence lineage that the buddha father and mother of Padmasambhva had directly accepted is the omniscient guru Longchenpa alone.


And the most important disciple who had accomplished realization through Longchenpa’s mind transmission is Mipham Rinpoché.


Every little bit of faith, every bit of compassion in my mindstream, is definitely the result of the dominant condition — the kindness of Mipham Rinpoché either directly or indirectly.


Hereby the order of the realization of the lineage.


Moreover, it is vital to remind the audience to generate bodhichitta.


Just as Patrul Rinpoché once said: “The superior should remember to generate bodhichitta when they are leaving home for the assembly hall, the middling should remember it when they hear a Dharma conch blown, and the inferior should make efforts to generate bodhichitta when the guru reminds them of it.”


Therefore when giving teachings Dharma instructors should remind the audience to generate bodhichitta — this is crucial.


The daily chanting prayers we have been using are all from the tradition of Venerable Jigme Gyalwai Nyugu, except for the Prayer to the Eight Auspicious OnesThe Prayer That Magnetizes All That Appears and All That Exists, the Seven Branches of Offering in the King of Prayers, the Taking Bodhisattva Vow Sādhana in the daily opening prayer, and the aspiration part in the King of Prayers in the daily closing prayer.


Personally, since I studied in the mountain solitude of Cangma Dzatod, no matter what teachings I give, advanced or basic, I always follow this tradition without exception.


When you recite the daily prayers, it is better to chant from the Eight Auspicious Ones to the aspiration part in the King of Prayers without interruption or truncation.


The chanting before and after teachings alone is of inconceivable merit.


The compassionate Buddha expounded various kinds of inconceivable Dharma according to the different elements (dhatu), capacities, devotion, and intentions of sentient beings, but to follow the prayers is mainly for the benefit of people with middling and inferior intelligence.


For practitioners with superior intelligence, the only skillful means that can take one to the happy fruition of buddhahood through the happy path of bodhisattvayāna is this precious bodhichitta.


As it was said by Śāntideva in The Bodhisattva’s Way of Life: Just as a flash of lightning on a dark, cloudy night for an instant brightly illuminates all, likewise in this world, through the might of Buddha, a wholesome thought strikes rarely and transiently.


His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche

《Always Remembering》

索达吉堪布 恭译

Translated By Khenpo Sodargye



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